Sending Cannot connect to the network. Verify your network connection or modem

We're seeing a few errors from Outlook users after upgrading to Windows 10, specifically a message reporting problems sending messages. The affected users receive error 0x800CCC13.

'Task 'email address Sending' Cannot connect to the network. Verify your network connection or modem.'

Microsoft is looking into it, but one fix we know works is to open a command prompt as an administrator and run sfc /scannow. Reinstalling or repairing the Office install, making new profiles and other common troubleshooting steps will not fix this issue.

To use the System File Checker right click on the Start button and select Command Prompt (Admin). (You'll need to click Yes to allow it to make changes to the computer.)

right click and choose Command Prompt (Admin)

When the Command Prompt appears, type (or paste) sfc /scannow then hit Enter (there is a space between sfc and /).

run dfc /scannow

Once System File Checker is finished, reboot the computer.

Users are reporting that System File Checker reports corruption in mlang.dlI.Mui and Windows.Media.Speech.UXRes.dll.mui. SFC replaces the files and after a reboot, Outlook works again.

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