
  Emails Stuck in Outbox

Not a very common problem. But if you experience this issue please try the following:1. Disable...

  Sending Cannot connect to the network. Verify your network connection or modem

We're seeing a few errors from Outlook users after upgrading to Windows 10, specifically a...

 508 Resource Limit Is Reached in cPanel Hosting

The error message "508 Resource Limit Is Reached" usually appears when your account is constantly...

 508 error - Resource Limit Reached

 508 error - Resource Limit Reached

Quote from Cloudlinux website: This error will report itself to end user as 508 error, "Resource...

 530 Relaying not allowed in a Email Clients

This error occurs when a user or mail client attempts to send email without authenticating on the...

 NB connect error 1460 (Email)

Usually you may receive error like: Task user@domain.com - Sending reported error (0x800CCC67) :...

 Question Marks on Joomla Pages

Quick fix for old joomla versions using Mariadb or newer Mysql versionsin Code:...

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